
Project No. LT-PL-4R-291 is being implemented

under contract 1S-263 of July 28, 2020.

Project budget: EUR 973,500.32,

co-financing 85%

Project co-financed by funds

European Regional Development Fund

under the Cooperation Program

Interreg V-A Lithuania-Poland.

Duration: 01/2021 – 12/2022

Projekto Nr. LT-PL-4R-291 diegiamas

pagal 2020-07-28 sutartį 1S-263.

Projekto biudžetas: 973 500,32 Eur,

bendras finansavimas 85 proc.

Projektas bendrai finansuojamas fondų lėšomis

Europos regioninės plėtros fondas

pagal Bendradarbiavimo programą

Interreg V-A Lietuva-Lenkija.

Trukmė: 2021-01-2022

The project had specific goals that significantly improved the quality of services provided

These included: improving health rehabilitation services for elderly, disabled and chronically ill residents of the program area; strengthening the capacity of healthcare professionals in cross-border territory; promoting a healthy lifestyle in the program area.

To achieve these goals, partner institutions improved their competences during joint events, purchased new equipment, the Polish partner modernized the rooms, and the Lithuanian partner developed the area around the buildings for recreational purposes. Partners organized joint events that were open to all interested parties – communities, non-governmental organizations, local and regional authorities.

Thanks to the support of the Interreg Program, bonds of cooperation between partner institutions have been established. Partners – the Hospital in Augustów and the Dainava Sanatorium in Druskininkai are already planning further projects.

Independent Public Health Care Center in Augustów, Hospital. E. Biernacki conducts medical activities in the form of inpatient and open treatment. By providing health services in six specialist clinics. SPZOZ in Augustów also provides residents of the Augustów district with night and holiday health care. The total contract with the National Health Fund covers 21 areas of medicine.

The Training Center for Civil Service and Local Administration Employees „Dainava” is a small sanatorium located in the center of Druskininkai, on the Neman River. The treatment department of the Dainava Center employs highly qualified medical staff with appropriate licenses. Treatment is carried out taking into account the patient’s diseases. Dainava Sanatorium specializes in the treatment of cardiac, digestive, rheumatic and gynecological diseases.

The project of these two units was implemented under Priority 3 – Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and all discrimination; 3.1. Combating social exclusion and poverty by improving access to social and health services for border residents.